
Workshop Schedule

Monday, June 10, 2024

Time Event
9:00-10:00 Registration, Tea & Coffee
10:00-10:15 Introduction
10:15-12:00 Proffered Talks Part 1:
·David Porter, University of Glasgow
·Minghao Zhang, University of Cambridge
·Markus May, Erwin L. Hahn Institute
·James Kent, University of Oxford
·Thomas Roos, UMC Utrecht
·Christoph Aigner, PTB
·Chris Rodgers, University of Cambridge
12:00-12:30 Talk from Sponsor: Siemens Healthineers (Iulius Dragonu, Sarah McElroy, & Jürgen Herrler)
12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-15:30 Proffered Talks Part 2:
·Chris Boesch, University of Bern (Virtual)
·Belinda Ding, Siemens Healthineers
·Maxim Terekhov, University Hospital Würzburg
·Jörg Felder, Forschungszentrum Jülich
·Aaron Hess, University of Oxford
·Richard Bowtell, University of Nottingham
15:30-16:00 Tea & Coffee Sponsored by MR CoilTech, Ltd
16:00-17:00 Keynote Speaker: Franz Schmitt, “Developing the Siemens TX Array and What Came of It”
18:00-LATE Social Dinner & Ceilidh, Sloan’s (Glasgow City Centre)

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Time Event
9:30-10:00 Tea & Coffee
10:00-11:45 RF Pulse Design & pTx Sequences:
·Emre Kopanoglu, Cardiff University, “Designing Parallel Transmit Pulses for Ultrahigh-field MRI: Considerations around Excitation Homogeneity, Safety, and Computation Time”
·Tony Stoecker, DZNE Bonn,”Universal Pulses for Structural and Quantitative MRI”
·Caroline Le Ster, CEA NeuroSpin Paris, “Towards fMRI at 11.7T”
·Adam Berrington, University of Nottingham, “Regional MR spectroscopy Using a Calibration-Free Approach”
·David Leitão, King’s College London, “pTx Pulse Design When it’s Not Just Water”
11:45-12:00 Talk from Sponsor: Skope Magnetic Resonance Technologies (Vencel Somai)
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-14:30 7T User Needs for pTx:
·Thomas Cope, University of Cambridge, “pTx 7T for Epilepsy - What Neurologists and Neuroradiologists Need”
·David Carmichael, King’s College London, “Thoughts on the Current Status and Next Steps for PTx Applications in Clinical Neuroscience and Paediatrics”
·Yulia Lazarova, University of Glasgow, “Current Challenges in High-Resolution Cognitive Neuroimaging: Potential Applications for pTx”
·Natasha Fullerton, University of Glasgow, “Clinical 7T Neuroimaging Applications for pTx”
14:30-15:00 Tea & Coffee Sponsored by MR CoilTech, Ltd
15:00-16:30 pTx Safety:
·Ozlem Ipek, King’s College London, “Safe Imaging Methods with In-House Built Parallel Transmit RF Coil Arrays”
·John Evans, Cardiff University, “The High-Field Implant Problem”
·Paul McElhinney, University of Glasgow/MR CoilTech, Ltd “pTx Coil Simulations and VOPs”
·Sarah Allwood-Spiers, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde, “7T MRI Coil Safety Validation and Approval for pTx Coils”
16:30-17:00 Final Wrap-up & Adjourn